Sunday 7 November 2010


Alright, so last time I have introduced the Mammals at the Hong Kong Botanical and Zoological Park to you. Today I am going to introduce all kinds of Birdssssssssss to you! Yeah

1.      American Flamingo

Distribution: Central and South America, West Indies, Galapagos Islands

Habitat Coastal saline lagoons, saltpans and other brackish or saltwater shallows

Conservation Status: There are only four regular breeding sites left since numbers are dropping in recent years.

2.      Bali Mynah

Distribution: Bali

Habitat: Woodland

Conservation Status: Endangered

3.      Hawaiian Goose

Distribution: Hawaiian Islands

Habitat: Volcanic slopes with sparse vegetation

Conservation Status: Endangered

4.      Red-crowned Crane

Distribution Hokkaido of Japan, northeast China, Korea and eastern Siberia

Habitat: Swamps and marshland

Conservation Status: Endangered

5.      White-winged Wood Duck

Distribution: Assam, Burma, Thailand to Sumatra and Java

Habitat: Streams, pools and marches in lowland rainforest

Conservation Status: Endangered

Ha, I am going to show you a short video about how the birds take shower, it’s cuteeeeee!

Thank you for visiting, see you next time!!!!!

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