Tuesday 19 October 2010

Welcome to Noah's Ark Hong Kong - Have A Mind-refreshing Nice Day Here!!!

Noah's Ark Hong Kong is located at Ma Wan Park. Noah's Ark, a real size replica of the biblical Noah's Ark. Inside the ark are exhibitions, restaurants and a hotel. The Ark is intended to promote family values and teach love, social harmony and care for the environment.
Noah's Ark is a multi-media vehicle designed to foster:
  1. Love for Self and Others
  2. Love for the Well-being of the Body and Spirit 
  3. Love for Life 
  4. Love for the Environment 
  5. Love for Learning 
  6. Love for Challenges
  7. Love to Serve Others
The Ark is operated by Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong, Angela Luk's Education Foundation Ltd., St. James' Settlement, The Boys' Brigade, Hong Kong, and The Media Evangelism Ltd. 
The Ark offers a platform where businesses, schools and organizations can show their commitment to the community by sponsoring activities for the less fortunate and offering their staff, students and volunteers an opportunity to serve society.
There are many main attractions which can give you a brand new experience other than the traditional theme parks in Hong Kong, they are:


Visitors can enjoy the extraordinary multi-media presentation of the Noah's Ark and evaluate its significance to the world today and in future. Then, people can Imagine the journey of Noah in a 180 ° Great Flood Theatre.
After that, visitors can also marvel at the fine collection of Ark models from far corners of the world that describe the great flood in history, and examine the largest meteorite exhibit in Hong Kong.
Moreover, children may learn about the Microscopic Animal Kingdom. Finally, the families or groups can relax in the 4D Theatre which shows the amazing power of nature and the challenges our planet is facing.
Ark Garden
People wander through the hand crafted sculptures of wonderful, rare, and endangered animals, and discover the hidden character traits of the Animal Kingdom.
When visitors stroll through a wonderland of waterfalls and ponds, they may find ways to "Love the Animals" and discover reasons to "Love Planet Earth".
Ark Life Education House
Through experiencing different innovative and interactive activities, it provides participants with a chance to review their life from different angles. "Briefing", "Experiencing", and "Debriefing" are three main elements in the activities. By learning through play, participants are inspired to reflect on their life and recall their precious memories of the past.
Noah's Resort

One side of the hotel is deluxe double room for families or couples.
Another side is toilet attached hostel for independent youth and individual travelers and group with four to eight people.
Visitors can exercise in the nature garden and enjoy the panoramic view at the top of Ma Wan Island and its surrounding waters.
There are lots of interesting information to be talked, if you want more details about Noah's Ark Hong Kong, please visit the official website at http://www.noahsark.com.hk/eng/index.php

If you want to escape from the busy life, you may have a mind-refreshing day at Noah's Ark Hong Kong.