Friday 29 October 2010

More information on animals! WOW!!!

OK, last time I’ve introduced the Hong Kong Botanical and Zoological Garden to you guys. So now I am going to tell you a little more about the kinds of animals that live at the park.

I will be educating them in several blogs. In this blog, I will be telling you about the “Mammals” at the park! YEAH!

1. Bornean Orang-utan

Distribution: Borneo (only a few areas in Sabah, Sarawak and Kalimantan)

Habitat: Primary and secondary rain forest

Conservation Status: Endangerd

Buff-cheeked Gibbon

2.      Buff-cheeked Gibbon

Distribution: Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam

Habitat: Forest

Conservation Status: Endangered

3. Chinese Porcupine


Distribution: Nepal, Eastern China, Hong Kong, Malaya, Sumatra, Borneo

Habitat: Forest

Conservation Status: Endangered

4. Emperor Tamarin

Distribution: Boliviam, Brazil, Peru

Habitat: Amazonian lowland forest

Conservation Status: Endangered

5.      Golden Lion Tamarin

Distribution: Brazil

Habitat: Primary Rain forest

Conservation Status: Endangered

6.      Lion-tailed Macaque

Distribution: India

Habitat: Evergreen and semi-evergreen rain forests

Conservation Status: Endangered

7.      Ring-tailed Lemur

Distribution: Madagascar

Habitat: Open wooded terrain

Conservation Status: Endangered

8. Siamang

Distribution: Indonesia, Malaysia

Habitat: Tropical rain forest and montane forest

Conservation Status: Endangered

9. Hoffmann's Two-toed Sloth

Distribution: Tropical rain forests

Habitat: Tropical rain forests

10.      White-faced Saki

Distribution: Brazil, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname, Venezuela

Habitat: Lowland evergreen rain forest

Conservation Status: Endangered

11.      Black and White Ruffed Lemur

Distribution: Madagascar

Habitat: Forest

Conservation Status: Endangered

12.      Central American Agouti

Distribution: From southern Mexico to northern Argentina

Habitat: Forests and savannas

13.      Golden Agouti

Distribution: Venezuela, eastern Brazil and Lesser Antilles

Habitat: Forest

14.      Pygmy Marmoset

Distribution: Central West Region of Brazil, Ecuador and eastern Peru

Habitat: Dense forests near rivers

Conservation Status: Endangered

Are you tire after reading these information? Alright, let’s take a break, I will tell you more about them next time! Bye!


Tuesday 19 October 2010

Welcome to Noah's Ark Hong Kong - Have A Mind-refreshing Nice Day Here!!!

Noah's Ark Hong Kong is located at Ma Wan Park. Noah's Ark, a real size replica of the biblical Noah's Ark. Inside the ark are exhibitions, restaurants and a hotel. The Ark is intended to promote family values and teach love, social harmony and care for the environment.
Noah's Ark is a multi-media vehicle designed to foster:
  1. Love for Self and Others
  2. Love for the Well-being of the Body and Spirit 
  3. Love for Life 
  4. Love for the Environment 
  5. Love for Learning 
  6. Love for Challenges
  7. Love to Serve Others
The Ark is operated by Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong, Angela Luk's Education Foundation Ltd., St. James' Settlement, The Boys' Brigade, Hong Kong, and The Media Evangelism Ltd. 
The Ark offers a platform where businesses, schools and organizations can show their commitment to the community by sponsoring activities for the less fortunate and offering their staff, students and volunteers an opportunity to serve society.
There are many main attractions which can give you a brand new experience other than the traditional theme parks in Hong Kong, they are:


Visitors can enjoy the extraordinary multi-media presentation of the Noah's Ark and evaluate its significance to the world today and in future. Then, people can Imagine the journey of Noah in a 180 ° Great Flood Theatre.
After that, visitors can also marvel at the fine collection of Ark models from far corners of the world that describe the great flood in history, and examine the largest meteorite exhibit in Hong Kong.
Moreover, children may learn about the Microscopic Animal Kingdom. Finally, the families or groups can relax in the 4D Theatre which shows the amazing power of nature and the challenges our planet is facing.
Ark Garden
People wander through the hand crafted sculptures of wonderful, rare, and endangered animals, and discover the hidden character traits of the Animal Kingdom.
When visitors stroll through a wonderland of waterfalls and ponds, they may find ways to "Love the Animals" and discover reasons to "Love Planet Earth".
Ark Life Education House
Through experiencing different innovative and interactive activities, it provides participants with a chance to review their life from different angles. "Briefing", "Experiencing", and "Debriefing" are three main elements in the activities. By learning through play, participants are inspired to reflect on their life and recall their precious memories of the past.
Noah's Resort

One side of the hotel is deluxe double room for families or couples.
Another side is toilet attached hostel for independent youth and individual travelers and group with four to eight people.
Visitors can exercise in the nature garden and enjoy the panoramic view at the top of Ma Wan Island and its surrounding waters.
There are lots of interesting information to be talked, if you want more details about Noah's Ark Hong Kong, please visit the official website at

If you want to escape from the busy life, you may have a mind-refreshing day at Noah's Ark Hong Kong.

The Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Garden Overview

Are you guys feeling very excited after reading the blogs about the Halloween in Ocean Park and Disneyland? Alright…………but let’s look at one of the most natural parks in Hong Kong at this moment, a chance for you to calm down your self….wahahhaThe Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens!!!

The Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens is located on the northern slop of Victoria Peak. It was found in 1871 as a Botanic Garden and renamed in 1975 as Botanical and Zoological Gardens because zoological exhibits were being introduced at the park. The first superintendent of Garden is called Mr. Charles and appointed in 1871. The House was being served as a temporary Government House from 1841 to 1842 and was called “Bing Tau Fa Yuen” in Chinese.

Facilities overview:

Major facilities included Aviary, Mammal Enclosure, Reptile House, 7 Garden that features with different kinds of plants’ exhibits, Bronze Statue, Children’s Playground, Education and Exhibition Centre, Light Refreshment Kiosk, Memorial Arch, Pavillion, Rain Shelter and Toilet.

About Animals:

Basically, Animals are separated into 3 kinds: Mammals, Birds, and Reptiles. Presently, about half of the Garden is keeping of zoological exhibits. There are about 400 birds, 70 mammals, and 50 reptiles living in about 40 enclosures.

Here are some of the zoological exhibits......

About Plants:

There are more than 1000 kinds of species in the Garden. Major species included Conifer, Fig, Palm……………..etc. There is a Herb Garden located in the southern corner of the Garden and there is a Greenhouse located at the eastern boundary houses. They are the places where you can appreciate the colourful blooms and over 150 native and exotic species.

And here are some pictures for botanical exihibits:

And finally a short video to provide you a visual demonstration of the park, Please click!!!!

I believed you have indulged into such a beautiful park already....right??? Lastly, i am going to provide you the direction of this park.

Opening Hours:
Fountain Terrace Garden                                                       6am – 10pm
Green House/ Education and Exhibition Centre                 9am – 4:30pm
Other Areas                                                                            6am – 7pm

Admission: Free

Albany Road
, Central, Hong Kong
Telephone: (852) 25300154

Bus Routes:

From Central      3B, 12, 13
From Admiralty 12A, 12M, 40M, 40P, 40

Well…….I hope you guys enjoyed this blog…..guess what’s going to be on the next blog???? Thank you for visiting!

For more information, please visit

Monday 18 October 2010

Welcome to Ocean Park Halloween Bash 2010!!!

What’s news at Ocean Park?

Every September and October, Ocean Park will launch the Halloween Bash for both tourist and HK resident. The first decade of Ocean Park’s Halloween Bash is ready, over 20 haunted attractions are scares await.

This year, there are 8 haunted houses which have different themes.
1.      Pang Brothers child s Ey
This haunted house is located at Tau Shue Wan. Featured with Pang Brothers new movie – The child eye. Search scenes from the movie with Rainie for her friends, including the crumbling hotel where she encounters the ghostly family that changes her life forever, and the exciting journey at the paper underworld.

2.      Terror ParkTen years ago, there was an unbelievable accident happened in Terror Park. So that there are many souls was lost in there. You need to recue lost spirits to gain the points. Featuring animatronics spooks and a prize for the bravest rescuer.

3.      Zombie HuntZombie is absolutely necessary for haunted house. In this part, you need to escape from the abandoned industrial outpost with your trusty laser gun.

4.      Haunted Tales of GuangdongVisit the dead elders at No.7 Fear Road and they were dead in a traffic accident. The girl without legs creeps across the Highway of Misfortune after midnight, trailing blood as she searches for her missing half.

5.      Black Magic Academy
In the School of Black Magic, you will learn the mysteries of voodoo dolls, how to bind spirits to human hair and visit the blood-stained sacrificial altar and the most powerful flying head transformation.

6.      Fang Club
Submit to the throbbing dance floor with the music and the mysterious fruity perfume. You need to escape from the secret maze alone in a total darkness. If you escaped, you will have the least flavor of 5 gum.

7.      Museum of HorrorsAs Ocean Park’s Halloween Bash enters its first decade, Mr. Allen Zeman will have a new ghost modeling for the visitor. This museum will include the past ten years most horrors ghost.

8.      Burned alive
This haunted house is the only one to require enter one by one. You may experience the peaceful slumber of the coffin in a full crematorium experience. You will be locked in your coffin and experience the process on your own!

Remember to set your rounte, so you can enjoy the Halloween Bash in the most smoothest way!:)

Friday 15 October 2010

Welcome to Hong Kong Disneyland~~Haunted Halloween~~

Halloween really has much of a tradition, like many western and eastern celebrations, those cities have embraced the creepy celebration. At this moment, would you mind telling me where could I find it?

Yeah, that's trust. It is in Hong Kong. Exactly, you must be able to find a host of Halloween in Hong Kong events.

Wow.....Could you tell me which theme parks are popular to celebrate Halloween??? That's right; it is in Hong Kong Disneyland!!!! Now, let me introduce some exciting celebration activities that celebrate Halloween in Hong Kong Disneyland.Please Pay More Attention and Enjoy It!!!!!!!

Haunted Halloween in Hong Kong Disneyland
It is arguably the best or certainly the most authentic Halloween celebration is that at Hong Kong Disneyland.Expect the USA experience, with Mickey, Donald and Goofy all donning their favorite costumes. There is also a dedicated Halloween Parade, featuring stars such as Jack the Pumpkin King. All of things are not your imagination~~~~
Seize the chance to Hong Kong Disneyland. It is only from September 18 to October 31. Take a short trip; an ever-growing dark force spreads all over Hong Kong Disneyland. Nobody has ever uncovered the truth about its origins and intentions.  In an attempt to solve the mystery, the Park turned to the elite “Alien Intelligence Agency”. If you are interested in, even those who dare can visit Hong Kong Disneyland and find out the true secret behind the Alien Invasion.

Exactly, in Disney's Haunted Halloween 2010, Maleficent is unleashing the Halloween Spirit, with Halloween Ghosts bringing haunting thrills. Every corner of the Hong Kong Disneyland will be filled with creepy characters and activities. The spirits are on the loose so let your spirit loose too and join in the frightful fun!!!!!! There is also a dedicated Halloween Parade, featuring stars such as Jack the Pumpkin King. All of things are not your imagination~~~~

Let us enjoy it!!!!!! Wow......................

Maleficent, the Mistress of All Evil attended the media event of Disney's Haunted Halloween to unveil her plan to unleash her darkest power and throw the hottest and most unexpected Halloween party ever.

Guests can immerse themselves into the frightful fun as they experience a Halloween makeover at our Boo-tique in Tomorrowland.
Maleficent's curse has instigated the first ever Halloween pyrotechnics show in Hong Kong Disneyland called“Nightmare in the Sky”as she unleashes her spirit on Sleeping Beauty's Castle.

"2010 Disney's Haunted Halloween" - Main Street U.S.A. – Ghost Town
As darkness continues to fall and the lights begin to dim, the Dark power will transform Main Street U.S.A. into Main Street U.S.A. – Ghost Town.

Under the evil power of Maleficent, Adventureland will be transformed into a treacherous Tribal Burial Ground at night.

Meet your favorite characters with fright and delight in Haunting Memories of Your Disney Friends.
After all the Halloween adventure throughout the Park, it is time to reward your appetite.
To make your Halloween visit even more memorable, about 150 pieces of new and exclusive Halloween merchandise are ready for guests.

See you next time!!!!!!